„Don´t blindfold me, I want to see my killers!“
– the last words of lieutenant Vašek before he was shot dead

The anti-Nazi resistance
The situation in 1939, when Nazi forces broke up Czechoslovakia and formed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, raised a natural resistance in the domestic population, which manifested itself in the grouping of Czechoslovak patriots into resistance organizations....

Heydrich Terror
In September 1941, Reinhard Heydrich was appointed the Acting Reich Protector and immediately began to fulfil his mission to suppress the growing anti-Nazi resistance. After the declaration of the first martial law (the so-called First Heydrich Terror), many participants in the d...

It all took place shortly after half past eleven on 27 May 1942 in Prague-Libeň, where Heydrich's bodyguard and driver had to slow down at a bend. At that moment, Gabčík was about to shoot the acting Reich Protector with a Sten submachine gun....

Not all the inhabitants of the Protectorate behaved as patriots. Among the population there were many individuals and groups who found in the occupiers their "liberators" and tried to facilitate the new regime's seizure of power and the fight against the resistance....

Crimes planned at an office desk
Before Nazism came to power, Adolf Hitler wrote Mein Kampf in Landsberg Prison, summarising his ideas and plans for the colonisation and reconstruction of the East....